Sunday, March 6, 2011

boy in a chair

7 tellin' me what I want to hear!:

Minnie said...

There is my handsome Hayes! Love all the different shots and love his smile!
Guess you are really tring out the new lens! Yay!
Where is Happy Jack's?

Dion said...

So handsome!

Liz said...

Love this post. He looks so grown up. Tell him to stop from his newest Aunt. Miss you guys!

Katie L said...

I love all those expressions. Sweet boy!

Nana said...

I love this age...and he's being so darling!

Randy said...

He's getting to be such a big kid! He has such a sweet smile!

And you get such great light in your LR...lovin' your new lens?

Jessi said...

Ooops just realized I was signed in as Randy. ;-)

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