Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
a child is born!
Posted by Trisha at 2:03 PM 4 tellin' me what I want to hear!
categories: happy jack, hewood, holiday, miss elle, seek him
Friday, December 24, 2010
christmas time is here...
Posted by Trisha at 7:07 PM 3 tellin' me what I want to hear!
categories: family, happy jack, hewood, holiday, miss elle, seek him, thankful
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
family day
Posted by Trisha at 12:29 AM 13 tellin' me what I want to hear!
categories: happy jack, hewood, holiday, miss elle, thankful
Monday, December 13, 2010
while we run around this season....
Posted by Trisha at 3:28 PM 5 tellin' me what I want to hear!
categories: seek him
Saturday, December 11, 2010
extracurricular activities
My Christmas ballerina danced a merry dance...
Posted by Trisha at 12:35 AM 8 tellin' me what I want to hear!
categories: happy jack, hewood, kid stuff, miss elle
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
what's behind door number eight...
The kids look forward to opening the little doors each day to see what surprise awaits them.
So far, we've had stickers, candy and some fun activities...
Posted by Trisha at 11:33 PM 6 tellin' me what I want to hear!
categories: happy jack, hewood, holiday, kid stuff, miss elle
Sunday, December 5, 2010
a groom is hard to find
Posted by Trisha at 8:56 PM 8 tellin' me what I want to hear!
categories: happy jack, miss elle, twin city
Thursday, December 2, 2010
we're going on a leaf hunt...
Posted by Trisha at 8:02 PM 2 tellin' me what I want to hear!
categories: fall fun
Thursday, November 25, 2010
thankful hearts
I attempted to capture some pictures of things I was thankful for throughout the day today.

And they are just things. And things are temporary.
I'm deliberately making more of an effort to stop and remind myself of just how fortunate I am. I belong to a mighty and loving God, a mighty and loving God who has given me this precious little family to share life with. He's given us a safe place to call home, food for our bellies, air conditioning for when it is hot, heat for when it is cold, good health, fabulous friends and family, great schools, a wonderful church.
I'd say that is blessed. And thankful I am.
May you reflect on what is truly important today and take the time to thank God for each and every one.
Happy Thanksgiving!
sidenote: Something that I am not so thankful for is the decision I made to replace the lights on our Christmas tree. Do not, I repeat DO NOT ever think it is a good idea to strip a pre-lit tree of its lights that no longer work. It is a very bad idea and I have the blisters and bruises on my hands to prove it. Run as fast as you can to the nearest store and buy another tree!
Posted by Trisha at 9:39 PM 9 tellin' me what I want to hear!
categories: fall fun, first comes love, happy jack, hewood, holiday, miss elle, thankful
Monday, November 22, 2010
can i get an amen on the weather today?
Posted by Trisha at 8:52 PM 4 tellin' me what I want to hear!
categories: happy jack, hewood, miss elle
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
in a cornfield
Posted by Trisha at 7:25 PM 6 tellin' me what I want to hear!
categories: hewood, hewood art
Monday, November 15, 2010
kansas city getaway
Posted by Trisha at 12:49 PM 9 tellin' me what I want to hear!
categories: fall fun, first comes love, out and about, thankful