Thursday, May 27, 2010

sweaty goodness



Tuesday, May 25, 2010

budding artist

I've got a little girl who likes to draw. Is that not the cutest little pink creature you have ever seen? :)  I love seeing what their little hands create. And it's always fun when your kids surprise you with something you didn't know they could do. Ellie brought me this picture... first time she wrote her name!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

from caterpillar to butterfly

starting out as itty bitty caterpillars
the hungry caterpillars grew into big, fat caterpillars... making their way to the top to prepare for their cocoons
the cocoons make a move to their new home
checking things out
a butterfly emerges
fly away butterflies!
friendly little fella
attempting a capture
it's been fun butterfly, now go make some babies

We kicked off our first day of summer by releasing our butterflies. What a fun little adventure this has been. It still blows my mind that these beautiful creatures can undergo such a transformation!

Friday, May 21, 2010

bring on the sweaty days of summer!

Hayes finished Kindergarten today. Oh dear heavens. My baby will be in 1st grade in only a few short months!

What a wonderful year it has been, as quickly as it has flown by.

Hayes, we are so proud of all you have accomplished this year. You were such a good listener in class and worked hard to become a reader and time teller. Now let's focus on tying those shoe laces and getting rid of the training wheels! Deal? :)

Here's an entry from his journal that he has been writing in all year. Too cute.
I like Legos
Star Wars the Jedis Return
because there is Luke Skywalker and R2D2
has a light saber
This year was filled with reading books and racing to the finish line. Way to go Hayes! You did it! 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

another year come and gone...

This picture was taken one year ago...
Embry and Ellie's last day of school is tomorrow. Hard to believe that it's already time to fill the summer calendar up with fun. :)

We've got lots of goodies lined up for the summer, but it's tough to see the school year come to end. Especially when you have had wonderful teachers. This morning Hayes said, "I'm sad school is almost out. I'm going to miss Mrs. Black."

I know buddy.

All three kids have had such amazing, nurturing teachers this year. I'm praying next year finds us in the same situation.

A few snipits from the MDO music program. :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

little gymnasts

Embry and Ellie have gymnastics every Thursday morning. They love it. The jumping, the rolling, the running around. I don't usually stick around to watch. When I do, they need to go to the bathroom twenty-five times. But observation day was last week and it was so fun to see how much they have progressed over the school year.

***Please ignore the picture quality. Mama needs a new lens in a very bad way. :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Because every Mother's Day deserves a Mother's Night.

As we drive back home from a long weekend I want you to know how special you are. Thank you for being my partner in raising our wunderfullymessy little family. I love you Mama. -kw-

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

weekend with the wolves

What a wonderful birthday weekend! We headed to Great Wolf Lodge and had the best time celebrating Hayes turning six. It was so good to have Daddy around for a few days and look forward to when his presence is more the norm than his absence.

Thanks to Auntie, Minnie, Papaw, Grandpa, Nana, Andrew, Lala and Jude for helping us celebrate our big boy.

Wondering how he reacted to his birthday surprise?

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