Sunday, September 6, 2009

one year


Today marks the day when I first started this blog. Hard to believe it's already been one year.

Besides the whole collection of memories thing, there has a been a little bonus I wasn't expecting with starting a blog. I've been able to reconnect with old friends and make some wonderful, new friends. It's just been a truly amazing experience.

And I have to say this about the comments... they aren't the reason I do the blog but man, a comment is like the cherry on top! Thank you so much to those who take the time to peek inside my little world and leave me a note. Awesome!

Because giveaways seem to be the thing to do on a blogiversary, I couldn't pass up the opportunity! I want to give away a few of my favorite things. To enter, all you have to do is comment and tell me what has been the biggest highlight in your life over the past twelve months.

Here's what is up for grabs:

babypop personalized cape
one year subscription to Food Network Magazine

set of Larza Design initial notecards Comment before Thursday, September 10th. I'll announce the winners on Friday! woo! hoo!

A few of my highlights:

Hayes' creative thinking has brought us many laughs.

Embry and Ellie may not get along all the time, but it has been awesome watching the bond between them grow.

Ellie has shown me that potty training doesn't have to be the most miserable thing ever! She was a stud!

Embry loves to sing. And that singing makes me smile every time.

We've got one year of residency behind us and Kyle continues to work hard and make me so proud.

We have had one of the most fun, memorable summers!

Your turn!


  1. I love the photo arrangements of your beautiful children and hearing about the funny, silly, cute, and embarrassing things they say & do.
    Happy Anniversary, Because I Said So!

  2. I liked when you did the first day of school pictures, then & now.

    Memorable thing from our hood? Probably our Holiday trip to Savannah.

  3. you are big time when you start doing giveaways! :0)
    the highlight of my year has been watching my daughter learn and discover. Another highlight on a more vain note... I have discovered the perfect self-tanner.

  4. I love reading about your day to day and your pics are so amazing!

    Best thing about this year...the arrival of our Little Man!

  5. So I came back to read the comments on this post and realized that we are supposed to say what was memorable about our lives, not what we love about your blog :)

    Most memorable this past year: moving, Disney, potty training, Kindergarten, & the new job. Probably one of the most eventful years so far! Glad I'm blogging about it all.

    Do I get a second entry for posting twice? :)

  6. Congrats on your one year! I have loved every post that you have made, but what I like best, is getting to see my grandchildren change from post to post, all their experiences and also the comments! You make me so proud as you are an amazing and talented young lady (Wife, Mother, Daughter Sister and Friend) in so many ways... from your photography, your writing ability, and your ministry on your blog, etc....

    I also have enjoyed getting to keep up with your 'followers' I personally know on their blogs and watching their children grow... if it weren't for your blog, I wouldn't be able to do that! SO THANKS!

    My most memorable last twelve months is watching BOTH my beautiful daughters mature in so many ways (through the good and tough times) and come out winners!

    I am not entering your contest by the way :o)...

  7. Thanks for letting me keep up with u all over the past year! Love you!

    Most memorable: realizing my place in this world... Finally!

    Another memorable moment: Colorado trip, it made me sain again!

  8. Hi Trisha...I'm Angie, one of those bloggers that lurks behind the bushes peeking into your world because your blog is great and I LOVE your pictures. I secretly want to be an amazing photographer, but alas, I hold no talent for it.

    Oh, and lest you think I'm some creepy person hanging around, I link here from our friend Marla's blog! She'll vouch for me :)

    So, my highlights are getting to travel coast to coast and border to border this year w/ my fam and for work (can't pass up a good contest!).

    Keep up the great blogging!

  9. Congratulations on the bloggy milestone!

    Highlights of my year...
    Blogwise - I received my first blog award and guest posted for a local parenting blog.
    Family-wise - No more diapers, a cross-country family vacation, and we now have a kindergartener!

  10. Congratulations, Trisha, on your 1 year blogaversary! I'm so glad to have found your blog (I think I came over from Joy's)....I just *love* reading a little about what's going on with you and your family.

    The biggest highlights ('cause I just can't think of one) that happened in the past 12 months: becoming PGY2s, family trip to IL, finding out we're expecting #3, potty training, and passing Step 3!

    Here's to another year of great stories and PHOTOGRAPHY!

    I'll take the easy highlight was the birth of baby #3. He really completes our family :)

  12. I want that cape so bad that I'm forced to comment. This blog hastened the current chapter in my wife's life book. I've seen self discovery, stength, overwhelming love and friendship come from this. Thank you to you all who participate in this friendship, you are vital to our journey throught residency.

    To the bloggess, I love you and am glad you dove off this cliff to put yourself and your talent out there for us all to share. Keep up the good work, dawg.

    My favorite memory is seeing my wife make some great friends.

  13. Hey Trisha, congrats on your blogiversary! You're such a pro I had no idea you've only been at it a year! :-)

    I keep coming back because I love the pictures themselves and the way you use them to tell a story.

    Biggest highlight for us? Definitely selling our home in Shawnee (13 months on the market!), buying a home in Jenks, SURVIVING MSI, & the trip to Korea... but a daily blessing has been watching my baby learn & grow into a toddler...

  14. Congrats on a year! :)

    Highlights: Jenna's 1st birthday, getting another year of residency behind us, and of course meeting you and all the other lovely gals!

    So glad I found you and your blog!

  15. Yeah for ONE year! Even though I see you on a weekly basis I still love to look at your blog everyday! I have discovered how much we have in common and you have become such a dear friend to me! I love seeing all those amazing pictures you take of your babies. And, my dear, you (and Joy) got me started on blogging, so I must thank you for that!

    My most memorable moments this year have been finding true happiness within myself, signing on with PC, our Myrtle Beach trip, and wathing my children grow and become such special little people.

    Congratulations on one year! Keep those post coming....I rely on them!

  16. Oh DOLL (daughter in law law) it can't be a year! I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed seeing the latest happenings with my beautiful grandchildren...and I can't thank you enough for sharing all this with us. It's been a joy to see your sense of humor, artful photos, and mostly how God has grown you in grace and beauty , through good times and adversity.

  17. please ignore my typo mess-up in previous comment.
    My highlight of the year would have to be our 6th grandchild. Spending time with the whole family in Florida ranks pretty high on the list.

  18. Ok for everyone who says I can't believe it's been a year...I can't believe it's only been a year! I feel like I've been following your blog forever!! I check your blog everyday just as soon as I'm finished facebooking so you know it's right up there on the important list! Thank you for sharing so much with us!

    My highlights of the year would have to be that 2 of my children accepted Christ and were baptized on Mother's Day of this year!

  19. Hey Trisha! I just love your blog. I love watching Hayes growing, I can't believe it's been as long as it has since he was in my class at Peep's! So crazy! The twins are growing like weeds..WOW!

    Well I guess the highlight of my last 12 months is after many many hardships would be discovering that God has asked James and I to be parents again. It just goes to show that even in the darkness of the bad times He always knows when to shine a little light in your path to make life truely amazing again! We are so blessed!

    Hugs to you and Kyle on the anniversary!!

    Tamra Dill

  20. Happy Anniversary! I am always SO amazed at your photography skills and I just love seeing pictures of your beautiful family. I am very happy to have found you!

    The highlight of my year is definitely the birth of our first little one, Miss S!! :)

  21. Congratulations, Trisha, on your 1 year blogaversary! I would have to say the highlight of my year would have to be having my sweet little girl!

  22. I love your blog Trisha and your photos are AMAZING! So glad I can keep up with you.

    My favorite memory over the past year has been Kinsey being on a kick for the last 3 months telling me EVERY day "Mom, you are the goodest mom ever." They way she says it in her little 3 year old voice gets me every time. How can that not brighten any day?

  23. Happy Anniversery! I love visiting your blog and looking at all the awesome photography you do of your cute children!
    The highlight of my past year has been me stepping out of my comfot zone, moving to a new city by myself and discovering who I am. It was a scary experience for me, but well worth it a little over a year later!

  24. Well, we are all coming out of the woodworks for this one, hehe!

    I just love the funny things Hayes says and how cute the twins are together!

    I think the highlight of our past year has been moving to Michigan and starting the entire residency process. It has had it's ups and downs, but we've all been together and have grown and been blessed in the process!

    Thanks for sharing your family and your beautiful pictures!

  25. I keep not entering because I keep not taking the time to figure out my significant event(s) of the year. Congrats on your anniversary!

    The biggest event for me is my son starting Kindergarten and putting into place the safety measures necessary to protect him from his peanut allergy at school. (Wow- that's a handful.)

    I don't know an exact date but this year, I found myself in a place that I haven't been- content with my role as a mom.

    Those are the biggest things I can think of right now.

    Your contest is so much fun! Pick me, okay? I'd love to win.

  26. I just wanted to say congrats on your anniversary! And that I love your blog. :o)
