Wednesday, September 9, 2009

back to school!

Embry and Ellie began Mother's Day Out today. They will go to school on Wednesdays and Thursdays. They did wonderful at drop-off. No tears. Same school, some of the same friends but a different classroom and different teachers.

The house is very quiet as as I sit here and type. What to do, what to do with all of this time by myself? I'm sure I can think of something! :)


  1. Enjoy your time! I would say go get a massage, paint your nails, take an hour long bubble bath or read a book. Oh wait...dinner has to be cooked? Clothes folded? Floors swept? Nah. It's funny how I seem to feel never fully "caught" up! Where did you get Ellie's adorable dress???????

  2. I am sitting here with Paige and she kepts saying, "Embry, Ellie, so cute." I agree with Paige! What cutie pies on their first day of school. LOVE LOVE LOVE that dress Ellie is wearing.

  3. By next week you will be saying "Is it pick up time already?"!

    Adorable kiddos!

  4. Super cute! Love her dress too - is that an etsy find? And those huge backpacks are hilarious! They are so cute together!

    and I'm sure you'll figure out something to do. :)

  5. Sniff. Are you lonesome?

    Hope you find something productive to do with your time. Ha ha.

  6. Happy first day of school, E&E! I just LOVE pic 2 & 3, those expressions are priceless! LOL!

    I so glad to hear drop off went well. YAY for getting a couple of days to yourself! What WILL you do? *wink*

  7. Their expressions are so cute! I forgot about Mother's Day out. That just doesn't exist out west. When we moved from TN to WA, I was in shock to find that no one knew what Mother's Day out was.

    Enjoy your time!

  8. love those pics...adorable. glad you will have a chance to be alone a few hours a week...even if it is doing laundry or cleaning!

  9. If you scroll down really fast Embry and Ellie move. jk
    Enjoy your time to the fullest. I remember my MDO days. I only had it one day a week, I'd look at my watch and say "no, it can't time, I'm not done!"

  10. Oh my gosh! They look so grown up in those pics and when we saw them this afternoon! Good photos as usual... and yes Ellie's dress is really cute, more so in person!

    I am sure you can find stuff to do to take up the time... will find out tomorrow won't I?

  11. They are SERIOUSLY too cute for words! You need to make a coffee table book (aka digital scrapbook) with all these cute photos! Enjoy the time to yourself. Personally, I'd take a nap, read, blog, do ME things. :-)

  12. oh good grief...these babies need to stop growing. Auntie misses them! love them! and you!

  13. My stars, they are so grown up, I love Ellie's dress! Embry is such a little man!!!

  14. Ellie is stylin'...and how nice for you to have a break!
