Friday, September 4, 2009

better late than never...

Back: Katie, me, Joy, Desiree
Girls Night Out #1

Each of us has a husband on the physician path in one way or another. Whether it be residency or medical school, we're all going through this together. These girls (and a few more that weren't able to join us) have been such a blessing to me. They know exactly what it feels like to see your husband exhausted from long hours, stressful expectations and little pay. :)

Thanks girls for making this time in our lives a little easier to understand and not so lonely. Love ya!

I was meeting a few of these girls for the first time in person. Even though I felt like I already knew them online. It was a great night... hopefully, there will be many more to come!


  1. We better do it sho!!!

    And don't forget anytime you want to come to KC. :)

  2. So sad to have missed out on a great night. You have been such a blessing to me, Trisha! Hope to be able to make the next one.

    PS. My word verification is 'intern'...LOL!

  3. It is great that you have so much support. Your faith in God and the help of your friends will get ya thru!

  4. Yes, you gotta love LJ. So, I got to meet your kiddos in person at the B-well school dedication. And they are EVEN more adorable in person!! I mean, seriously Trisha. They are so beautiful. Great to finally meet them =)

  5. You all are amazing women, and to have each other to share with each other, that is great too!

    Blessings to you all!

  6. so glad you were able to get together for this! support is so important during this time in your lives.

  7. Can't wait for our next night out!

  8. I was just thinking I like your camera cause for some reason I look tan, LOL.
    Can't wait until next time :-)

  9. Man, I wish I could have met you. I guess I'll just have to wait until *Vegas*!
