Wednesday, September 30, 2009

how's the conversation at your dinner table?

There really isn't such a thing as post-call day lately. You know, where you work all day, stay the night at the hospital and then come home and rest after your shift. It's more like you work all day, all night and then all day... going on 36 hours with little, if any sleep. Poor guy.

11 tellin' me what I want to hear!:

Allison said...

this was our life last year.

This too shall pass... :)

Kilo said...

Very funny, you're lucky I'm still too tired to argue. (sips his Amp energy drink)

Dion said...

Love it! Usually, it's Matt on the couch with feet on the ground, head cocked back, and remote dangling from his hand as he "watches TV" to wind down.

Jessi said...

Poor guy. Randy looks more like Matt--on the couch...and I'm *certain* that we'll have less conversation this month as his average about 4-5 hours/sleep a night will result in immediate crashing once he sits still.

Hope Kyle can 'catch up' this weekend. *wink*

Amanda Barefoot said...

that is so sad. don't doctors know what sleep deprivation does to the mind and body? why do they work them like that? i don't get it. i'm sure they have a reason..but it just seems cruel!

Bea said...

Ugh, we're in the same boat. Night float starts today. What rotation is Kyle on?

Kyle's Momma said...

It's just rediculous and it makes me mad! What are they trying to prove?

Katie L said...

I feel your pain! Brad made the comment a few days ago that he will look 10 years younger once residency is over. Probably true...

Ams said...

So sad! Oh goodness, I can't wait for residency!

Sara said...

Never knew it could happen until I witnessed it myself. October is going to be interesting for us! Our poor husbands that work so hard!

Minnie said...

Bless his heart... no wonder Embry said it was your house and that Daddy lives at the hospital... HE ACTUALLY DOES... I just don't understand their reasoning either... makes tough doctors out of them? Poor Kyle, but poor you and the kids too... this too shall pass...

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