Tuesday, October 26, 2010

pumpkins and popcorn

We took advantage of Daddy being home tonight and carved our pumpkins. Don't tell Miss Elle, but Cindy-relly has a butchered arm or two
and some wacked-out eyes. FYI... Momma's not so good with carving tools and white pumpkins are a little tougher to cut.

 I also attempted caramel corn for the first time. Oh yeah. 


  1. This totally evokes Halloween for me! Thank you!

  2. Awesomely carved jack-o-lanterns! I'm just loving those white pumpkins this year. And caramel corn....MMMMM.

  3. Yum! Caramel corn!!

    Your pumpkins look amazing.

    I don't know what it is, but fall and Halloween are really making me miss Oklahoma and Tulsa. Almost to the point of tears. Keep posting the fall things there, so I can live vicariously through you. :-)

  4. I'm dying to get the boys to do this! I'm no good at carving either, but maybe I could tackle that caramel corn, yum!

  5. That caramel corn look really good and so do the pumpkins~ Yay that Kyle is getting to share in some of the fun too!

  6. Wow, those pumpkins are awesome! Great job!

  7. Yeah, I like all this and am looking forward to handing out candy for the first time. I may eat my words, my neighbor said we get around 100 spooks.
