Tuesday, October 26, 2010

a day in the life of...

Today has been one of those laid-back kinda days.
One with the calm that was meant for us rather than the craziness of packed schedules we find ourselves in.
It felt good. I want more days like today.

enjoying some homemade granola.

nebulizer-cartoon time.

art table.

jelly smile.

daddy took a turn with storytime.

rare afternoon chill out.

loving my new s&p pots (wink, wink joy and diane.)

chipping away at my recipe book. yawn.



  1. Awww.. there is Hayes & Embry doing their jobs, (as Hayes says), seeing Kyle off... potato soup looks great and warm especially since my feet are freezing!

    Are you making your own recipe book from your huge collection?

  2. Your granola is awesome! We eat it often.

    Chill out days are the best. Your toes are fab!

  3. looks like a great day! please send granola recipe! :0)

  4. I've been working on my recipe book, too. Loads of boring, but an awesome procrastination tool :)

  5. Love it! And LOVE your granola!

  6. Your pots look great! I have yet to fill mine up~they're just set out for show right now.

  7. So glad you had a peaceful, relaxing day. I'm sure it helps Kyle to know that when he's home, his family time is so valued.

  8. I love it when you do these posts!
