Friday, October 22, 2010

doughnut man

Hayes and I got in the kitchen today and made doughnuts. We tried a new recipe from Food Allergy Mama so Embry could enjoy them with us.
We had fun mixing, cutting, frying and shaking them in cinnamon and sugar.

At one point Hayes asked if he could make a sign for our doughnut shop. After he made it, he headed outside...
I thought he was hanging it on the door. After he was gone for awhile, I went out to look for him. He was sitting on the curb holding his "Open Today" sign.
Cutest thing I have seen in awhile.


  1. CUTE boy! I'll take 1...or 2 or 3, Hayes!

    Those look pretty darn did they taste?

  2. Those look yummy!!! Every time I see an allergy friendly recipe, especially egg-free, I think of you! :) Hayes is a cutie. :) It gives me an idea of what my future will be like when Alex is that age. Alex helped me make cookies today. I hope they turn out since he was "helping", ha!

  3. I WANT ONE!! I asked him if they were as good as Krispy Kreme and he said yes! Embry and Ellie said that they were yummy also... Way to go Mom.. Hayes looks so grown up...

  4. Looks like you guys had a good time! How did they turn out?

  5. Now those are my kind of donuts!

  6. Yum! He looks so big and grown up!

  7. Those look yummy! Wouldn't mind having one!

  8. This is the sweetest thing! Had I driven by, I would have bought them all!
