Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Hayes, this sixth year of your life has definitely been a year of growth. Physically, you are getting to be such a big boy. Nothing in your closet from last year fits.

But more than that, your little mind is growing with knowledge and creativity. You are learning to read, draw, tell time and have become quite the little swimmer.

You've got a way with legos. The creations you come up with continue to amaze me.

Your little quirks may just be my favorite thing about you.

You are determined to be a bachelor when you grow up. All things girl, marriage and kissing are gross. But just between you and me... I know you still like getting kisses from your mama. :)

If your shoes are not tied in the appropriate double knot, you. freak. out.

I hope I can take you to Rhode Island someday. For some reason, you fancy that little state.

Your jumping jacks are killer.

I feel like this past year of your life has also been quite the change for me, as your mom. It seems I've crossed over into the land of having a big kid. It's almost more than my heart can take. I look back at your baby pictures and my eyes fill up with tears. Where did the time go? Oh, to hold that precious baby again.
I'm so proud of you for the little guy you are becoming. And I'm so thankful that God chose me to be your mom.

I love you so much.

Happy Birthday, sweet boy.

Speaking of birthdays, we've had some pretty fun birthday parties in the past. Something tells me you're gonna like this one too. :)

wait for it...

wait for it...

wait for it...


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BIG FELLA! Your Mom is so right on how fast you are growing up and you totally amaze Minnie with how very smart you are.. I love getting your art to display, I love to listen to you read to ME now... and I love those HUGS and smiles, and even those kisses that are hard to give to away these days, I love them when I do get them.. Something tells me there will still be kisses for those "special girls" (young or old) in your life... I love you MORE...

  2. Oh.. Mom.. you know that if he gets on this site, he can read this now ;o) and it will be a give away...

  3. i'm in tears reading about your little man...and that picture of you two together when he was a baby...precious. happy 6 Hayes!!

  4. Oh my, Trisha!

    You have me crying at 9am on a Wednesday!!

    What a special day for such a special boy.

  5. Happy Birthday to Hayes! That sounds like an awesome way to celebrate his birthday.

    And you are right. His jumping jacks are killer.

    Great post. Laughing, crying, smiling, all that good stuff.

    Have fun celebrating!

  6. Happy Birthday to Hayes!!! What a sweet post! :)

    And if you guys happen to come up this way to GWL, we'd love to see you all if you have time! :)

  7. Happy Birthday to Hayes! Have a great time at Great Wolf Lodge!!

  8. it's such torture being a Mom. Such conflicting feelings of being proud of their independence and wanting to keep them little forever. thanks for making me cry. :0) Happy Birthday Hayes!!

  9. Happy Birthday, Hayes! Hope you have an AWESOME birthday weekend! Can't wait to hear how you reacted to the news of your trip and to see pics!

  10. I'm with Dion... glad to know it's not the pregnancy hormones making me cry at your precious post. What a treasure for your kiddos... May blogspot live forever!! :o)

  11. Awww... what sweet, sweet pictures.
    He's going to love his birthday party!
    We've never been to Great Wolf, but we really want to go.

    I love the way you arranged all the pictures you posted. Good job!

  12. What a beautiful post! Where does the time go?

  13. You must post his reaction.. it was priceless, he had us all laughing!!... he just seems so much older today!

  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NANA'S BOY! I know I haven't called you that in a long time Hayes, but you stole another part Nana's heart 6 years ago. You are so precious and a wonderful big boy now. We can't wait to have your birthday party with the wolves!

  15. Happy Birthday Hayes! I love your post Trisha - you have such a way!

  16. Isn't it hard watching the grow? It's like your heart could burst with pride and ache all at the same time.
    What an awesome party, hope it's great!
