Tuesday, May 4, 2010

weekend with the wolves

What a wonderful birthday weekend! We headed to Great Wolf Lodge and had the best time celebrating Hayes turning six. It was so good to have Daddy around for a few days and look forward to when his presence is more the norm than his absence.

Thanks to Auntie, Minnie, Papaw, Grandpa, Nana, Andrew, Lala and Jude for helping us celebrate our big boy.

Wondering how he reacted to his birthday surprise?


  1. I was waiting for this!
    So happy Hayes had a great birthday, loved the passing out =]
    He's so much fun.

  2. Ha ha ha!! Priceless! We may have to check this place out someday...

  3. Love it!! Hope you had a blast.

  4. What a fun time!! Love the "cake!"

  5. What a cool cake!
    *on a side note -Please tell me he's in school because Ben is only a little younger then Hayes and I don't think he could've (would have) read that entire card!!!

  6. i can't believe how big he is! and yes, i'd like a piece of birthday cake.

  7. Papaw and Minnie had the best time! Loved his reaction when he (can't believe it either) read his birthday card! I was priceless.. Hayes is so lucky to have a Mom who can come up with so many fun & amazing ideas for birthday celebrations, cakes, and favors.. it was good to have Kyle there too...

  8. I was patiently waiting to see his reaction....and it was well worth the wait...it was AWESOME (and so funny)!

    Smores "cake"...how creative! Glad you guys got to have some much needed family time. ;-)

  9. What a great surprise and I love the reaction!

  10. We had a great time too! So glad it rained that morning so we could all go!
