Monday, April 26, 2010

looking back...

I haven't seen this video in so long. Hayes loved to help Grandpa and Nana feed the cows. It nearly killed me hearing that sweet little voice... in a good way, of course. :)


  1. Too sweet listening to him moo.

    I used to ride with my grandpa when he'd go feed the cattle.

    I see you have the 918 coupon queen on your blogroll. Do you live in OK? If so, I'm not sure I realized that. I do too!

    If you are (or aren't) you should come check out us housewives over at the RHOK ~ Real Housewives of Oklahoma.

    Have a great Monday! =)

  2. Just wanted to let you know you've been on my blog roll for awhile. I'm sure you must have said you're from OK at some point or another. Ha! I read so many blogs I get them confused sometimes.

    You'll have to come to one of our RHOK Outs sometime. =)

  3. OMGoodness! You're right...that voice! He couldn't have been older than 18ish months (hard to believe he's going to be 6, huh?)...too cute! Your kiddos (and Kyle, too, probably) sure do have fun memories on that farm!

    PS. Grandpa shutting the door on ya made me chuckle. ;-)

  4. oh my goodness! he's too adorable. What a priceless video you have. I loved the point where he ran to you (presumably something scared him?). he's so darn cute!

  5. Oh.. those were the days... he was so smart and CUTE back then (still is ;o)!) I can't believe "my 'lil fella" is going to be six Wednesday!! I can't call him that anymore.. now it is my big fella! Minnie loves him SO MUCH!!!

    Ellie is sitting on my lap watching too and she wondered where she and Embry were :O)

  6. he is so cute!!
    this is a good motivator for me to get my camcorder out before that little voice goes away!

  7. sorry..clint was signed in. this is amanda, of course. :0)

  8. There must be something in the air tonight because I have been looking through old pics all night!

  9. Those jumping jack are to die for! That was one of my favorite blogs. And I can't believe the feeding the steers video was so long ago. That is one of our favorite memories! Hayes you're such a precious member in our family! As the first grandchild you've melted our hearts many times and taught us how to love being grandparents!! Getting excited about the Great Wolf Lodge. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Nana and Grandpa love you so much!
