Tuesday, October 13, 2009

thirty three



  1. My... how Hayes looks like you in your younger years :O)! Hope you have a great Birthday Kyle... we truly are blessed that you are part of our family.. See you this weekend and maybe you can find some time away from the hospital so we can go out and celebrate!! Love you!
    Greg & Carla

  2. happy birthday Kyle! I have to say....i didn't know you were so old. i thought you were a young 32 like the rest of our class. you might have been able to buy beer first...but it's not such a perk anymore, is it?
    haha! love the post, Trisha!

  3. I'm fond of the top middle picture...so funny! Happy Birthday Kyle! P.S. Trish, saw your little sis this weekend at homecoming.

  4. Love all of the pics, Trisha! Happy Birthday, Kyle! Hope your post-call coma wears off soon so that you can enjoy some time with your wonderful family this afternoon. Have a blessed day!

  5. Great pics! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLE!!

  6. Happy Birthday,Cuz! I get to take credit for the braded, blue hair in the guitar pic!!! What fun times!!! Glad you're older than me!!!

  7. Sweet!
    Happy Birthday - hope ya'll get to celebrate :-)

  8. Thanks everyone for the bday wishes. I'm really blessed to have a wife that thinks of these special things to do for our special days. yeah, it's very special.

  9. Happy Birthday from Allen & Jeral! Hope your day is great!!! LOVE YA!

  10. I know, 10 years? Like where does the time go? Kind of scary...hope you have a great night!

  11. I made that yellow checked thing, sorry, don't know what I was thinkin. I think it was left over from the curtains in your nursery, seriously...we were poor. I love you sweetie. Raising you was one of my greatest joys. Hope you had a great Birthday evening with lovely wife.
