Wednesday, October 14, 2009

good news and the not-so-good news


Let's start with the good news, shall we?

I had Hayes' parent-teacher conference this morning. It's always fun to hear someone say your boy is as neat as you think he is. :) He is doing really well and is learning so much. Up until recently, he has pretty much resisted every attempt I have made to get him to color, draw or learn. Now, it's like a switch has been flipped... he is always wanting to draw and he is eager to teach me the things he learns in school.

We were at lunch a couple weeks ago and he was drawing on the place mat. I looked over and he was writing all of his colors! I knew he could spell these words in a song that he sings, but write them down? So cool. It's truly a joy watching this little guy learn to read and write right before my eyes.

And now for the not-so-good news...

Embry's skin testing with the allergist didn't go as I had hoped yesterday. No, more like didn't go as I had prayed and trusted God for it to go. I felt good going into it, knowing that I had handed this over to God and trusted that there would be healing, or at least progress in his resistance to his food allergies.

But once the little spots on his arms started to swell up and I began hearing things like, "Okay, I'm stopping the test (half-way into it) because of the significance of his reaction." and "Honestly, I haven't seen a peanut reaction of this size in a long time," the doubt began to creep in.

I have to be honest about being disappointed. I was really expecting good results. But even though I am the mommy and believe I know what is best for my baby, God's the one with the ultimate plan. And I will keeping trusting that there will be healing in that plan... not in my time, but his.


  1. YAY on hearing that Hayes is becoming increasingly more creative! Boys.....

    So sorry to hear that Embry's allergy testing didn't go as you had prayed and trusted. It's hard NOT to be disappointed. But continue to pray in faith, and you WILL see God's amazing HIS time. ((HUGS))

  2. I am so sorry about the allergy test. I know the hope that you have. I know the disappointment that you felt. You are putting your faith in the right place. Just keep praying for Embry's safety.

  3. We are experiencing the same new found interest in reading, writing & drawing in AJ. It's awesome to see his mind at work!

    So sorry that the allergy testing didn't go well. Keep trusting in God's plan for Embry. He is such a precious little guy!

  4. watching them learn is the absolute best! and i'm not surprised he is doing so well!

    So sorry about Embry. That is very disappointing. I will keep praying and can't wait to see God's plan unfold.

  5. Way to go Hayes!!! Minnie has been saying all this time that he is such a smart little guy!! With two smart parents, he's bound to be smart and talented! They all are :o)!

    I too prayed for a different result and was so discouraged when you called afterwards... but, I too know that God has a plan for Embry, what that is, I have no idea. But we just have to trust God... AND that God will continually surround him with his guardian angels! I loved hearing what a brave little guy he was too! That is my Happy Jack!


    "The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them." Proverbs 21:31

  6. I know you are disappointed in the allergy test, but just keep trusting that God is in control!

    So proud of Hayes!!!

  7. All of these comments are right on target, so neat that you have these amazing friends! It's so hard when we just don't understand what God is doing, especially when we have trusted him for the answer. He is surely growing you and Kyle through all this adversity. He wants us to depend on Him for everything. And of course Satan is always trying to make us doubt and fall away from God. Isn't it good that he knows how much we can handle and he throws in JOY when we need it also!! I'm so glad Hayes is loving school!

  8. All I can say is I can continue to pray for you guys. Sorry, I can't do more for you.

    Hayes is so bright, and it will be so fun to see what he becomes when he grows up!

  9. Food allergies...booooo :( I can SO empathize w/ you on that whole experience. The first time they tested my big kid for peanut allergy we got the same reaction. The nurse came in to check on us and when she saw the welt she started scrambling to get the antigen washed off all while she was calling for someone to "bring an antihistamine right now please!!" Not fun.

    We later had a similar experience as you w/ laying it all at His feet, retesting, and disappointment. Hang in there...I'll be praying WITH you and FOR you and your cutie pie!

  10. My little guy did the same thing - would get so irritated with me then one night wanted to know how to write his name.
    In their own time...and God's, best of luck with Embry.

  11. I can relate to you. When my son was 5 months old we found out he is allergic to chicken,eggs,peanuts and milk. Now at 10 months he still has them. Not so much if he ingests them but mostly if they get on his skin. But like you said, God has the plan.
