Saturday, October 10, 2009


This is how our mantle looked for over a year. Lonely and in need of a friend. I just couldn't commit to anything... the things I did like weren't exactly in the budget. So I decided that Hayes and I would make our own masterpiece. :)

I bought a canvas and some paint at Hobby Lobby (when the art supplies were on sale, of course) and we went to work. Hayes did most of it. I just tried to clean it up a bit.

We shall call it "Transportation."

So there you go... an inexpensive way to create with your kids and bring a little fun to your decor. And when you're ready for a change, you aren't out a huge amount of money. Just grab a new canvas and an eager little artist and create another one.


  1. I need ya'll to come decorate my house, I'm so lost...If I don't have a picture to put up, I put up a mirror - lol.

  2. So glad you put that on your it!

  3. Trisha, there is just NO end to the ways you amaze me, you are so creative and you bring your kids into it. What a super mom, teacher and love giver you are....way to go!!!!!!

  4. You ARE super mom! This is so fun and creative! I love this idea. Can't wait to try it at home.


  5. Love it! May have to steal this idea!

  6. When I first saw this i thought why is there a vacuum cleaner above our fireplace, then hayes told me it was a "race track". Oh. Very good idea babe.

  7. What an awesome idea! Great painting, Hayes!

    You are such an awesome mommy....I took Laney to church today where she sat and colored a picture--the sad part, I didn't even know she knew how to color.

  8. I saw this at the party but wasn't sure what the deal was, maybe a part of the birthday party but its a keeper. Van Gogh eat your heart out.

  9. It amazes me of the ideas that you come up with to have fun with your kids... You need to show everyone your master piece wall in the kitchen area... so creative you are and the kids love getting so see their creations displayed!

  10. I love's fun to be creative just to be creative! Way to go Hayes!

  11. What a great idea Trisha! I love it!
