Wednesday, September 2, 2009

along for the ride

reminds me of...


Hayes' 4th birthday. The skateboards get pulled out occasionally, but you'll notice above that the tricks are performed in the grass... by Hayes anyway... should be Daddy too. :) However, Hayes did get brave last night and attempt the driveway. Kyle told him to be careful. He replied to Kyle, "I've been careful all of my life and I have managed to survive."


  1. Their definition of 'careful' just isn't quite the same as ours, is it? :)

  2. What a cool little skateboard with his name on it!!

    And I do have to admit I'm cracking up at Ellie's outfit of choice.

    And not to mention what Hayes said to Kyle. That is hilarious!

  3. Josiah would have LOVED going 'along for the ride'. He is obsessed with skateboards (and scooters)!

    Hayes' skateboard is awesome! He's grown so much since his 4th birthday. And he sure does say some hilarious things....seriously, where does he come up with this stuff? *wink*

  4. LOL... that Hayes.. never ceases to amaze me what comes out of his mouth sometimes! He is just TOO SMART! E & E look like they are having lots of fun with Daddy too! I can remember Kyle in his younger days being such a dare devil! It is a wonder he hasn't broken anything!

  5. Wow, that boy is grown up!! The things he says, I needed a laugh! So sweet!

  6. Tell Kyle to be careful, too. Or at least make sure your life and disability ins. is up to date. Joking, of course.

  7. Skateboards give me chills but I guess it's better than a motorcycle! What on earth am I going to do with a boy? Give me a sedative now!

  8. I can't believe Hayes said that! How does he even know what survive means??? His daddy did get beat up more in the trick bike days. Probably because we didn't have any place to really go on the skateboard. You tell him I said to stop it!
