Saturday, August 8, 2009

eleven years

Senior Prom 1995

Still making me laugh after all these years.

Happy Anniversary to us.
Love you.


  1. Happy Anniversary, Kyle and Trisha!

    What a sweet post...LOVE the prom pic! (Kyle's hair made me laugh).

  2. Awesome picture :) Happy anniversary! Here's to many many more laughs!

  3. Love the hair...on both of you! Happy Anniversary to a great couple!

  4. I remember those hair days for both of you ;o)! I am glad that he still makes you laugh as that is one thing that a marriage needs! You are both blessed to have each other in your life... and we are all blessed to have the both of you in our lives! Look at the blessings you have given us over the years... one of many...three small beautiful grandchildren to love! We are having a great time with them also!

    Love you more...
    Mom & Dad

  5. Oh. My. Word. That picture is taking me back!! How come we thought we were so grown up back then? You guys look 12!!
    Congratulations on 11 years!

  6. Whoa, Sk8r boy!!

    Its really a great picture!

  7. Wow what a great pic!

    Happy anniversary!! 11 years is amazing!

  8. Love the pic! Congrats! You guys look like babies.

  9. Happy Anniversary, you two! Great picture - I loved your dress that year!

  10. Happy (late) anniversary... awesome flashback pic! :-)

  11. So I have to tell you Trish, I CRACKED up at your picture. I mean, talk about a blast from the past. I'm not sure if it's because I can remember those B-well prom days well, (I was probably there that day as a corky middle schooler), or if it was at how young Kyle looks! His haircut reminded me of Drew's old hair! Congrats to you guys! So funny and sweet.

  12. Happy Anniversary! What a flashback!

  13. Happy Be-lated annivesray! I love the flashback photo. It's so much fun to look back.

  14. Kyle finally won you over about the time of prom....these times were so much fun. Happy Anniversary. It's obvious you two still love each other and I think these hards times are really making you love each other more!

  15. SUCH A GREAT COUPLE!! Awwww...
