Thursday, August 6, 2009

cookies & creme pudding pops

Hayes and I tackled Kraft Foods' Cookies & Creme Pudding Pops today. He had a blast because he was able to do each step of the recipe all by himself and... it involved chocolate. The boy will inhale a Hershey's chocolate bar in seconds, and I am not even kidding. I sure love our time in the kitchen.

1 pkg. (3.9 oz.) Jell-o chocolate instant pudding
2 cups cold milk
6 Oreos
1/2 cup thawed Cool-Whip

Pour pudding mix and milk in bowl and beat with whisk for 2 minutes.

Place oreos in resealable plastic bag; seal bag. Use a rolling pin to crush cookies.

Add Oreos and Cool-Whip to pudding. Stir just until blended.

Spoon into 8 small paper cups.

Insert a wooden popsicle stick into each for the handle.

Freeze 5 hours or until firm.

End Result:


  1. what an awesome idea! I love the tongue depressor handles. *wink*

    I've been looking for something other than Josiah and my usual cookies and baked oatmeal.

    Looks like the kids more than enjoyed the end result.

  2. umm...i think they were a hit.

  3. I'm gonna' have to try this recipe! Amazing!! jonah will LOVE them!!

  4. Oh yum! now I want some chocolate.

  5. Gonna have to try those....great idea!

  6. Hayes is such a big boy...and quite the cook!

  7. Yummy! Now I want some chocolate.

    We have a couple great books that we like to cook out of. Betcha would like 'em too.

    Salad People and Pretend Soup by Mollie Katzen

    They have step by step recipes in pictures and simple words for preschoolers. Check them out at the library.

  8. Those look so good! I'm going to have to remember this! Thanks!

    Also, I didn't even notice the tongue depressors! thrifty! :)

  9. Oh I am going to do this next week!! That looks like so much fun - and such a yummy mess.

    I'm gonna have them go straight from eating them to playing in the sprinkler.

  10. Chris and Kate made these together while he was off - super messy, but yummy to the tummy!

  11. Why isn't this on the recipe blog? ;o)
