Monday, August 10, 2009

potty training in progress



  1. Yay, Ellie!

    I love her ensemble...she really IS into picking out her own outfit for the day, isn't she?

    We are starting the potty-training full-force on Thursday when Josiah offically turns 3. Pray for me.

  2. YAY ELLIE!! We are so proud of you! Love your outfit... too many options when you are at home to pick just one ;o)!

    I tell you.. bribe EJ with M&M's or something he really likes and he will go for you on potty!!! Or maybe I just lucked out, right?

  3. The shoes!

    Katie and I are on this same journey. It's a long hard road, huh?

  4. Love little girls' tastes! she's on the potty, that's all that matters.

  5. your toilet is super clean! don't think i didn't enlarge the pic to inspect it! hahaha!
    love the mismatched shoes!

  6. Tis the season isn't it? Grant and I are working on this too, isn't going to well yet. I love the ensemble!

  7. Not ready to cross that bridge - sometimes I think Kate is, though! So cute!

  8. I cracking up about the shoes! I'm glad I'm not the only one that lets her kids dress themselves. :o)

  9. One of the cutest pics I have ever seen!
    When I was potty training Ben it was foam targets and food that would get him to the bathroom. I hope it's easier with girls than boys!
    Go Ellie!!

    -- elizabeth
