Thursday, April 30, 2009

hit 'em where it counts

hit me
with your
best shot!
As Kyle would say, "Oooh, right in the Mommy Daddy parts."

tortellini garden salad

I have been hanging onto this recipe since I snagged it from my friend Savannah's baby shower. Seeing that her little guy is now well over two years old, I'm wondering why in the world I have waited so long to make it. It's delicious!

Tortellini Garden Salad

8 oz. cheese-filled tortellini
1 zucchini, sliced
1 tomato, diced
1/2 cup kalamata olives, sliced
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
1- 6 oz. jar marinated artichoke hearts, drained and quartered
1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil or 1 teaspoon dried basil
salt & pepper to taste

5 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 garlic clove, minced

Cook tortellini as package directs; drain.

Meanwhile, combine all dressing ingredients in a small bowl.

In a large bowl, combine tortellini with zucchini, tomato, olives, parmesan cheese, artichoke hearts and basil.

Add dressing to salad and toss; season to taste. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Serves 6.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

belly bumps

So after watching the video of Hayes yesterday, I couldn't get over how small my belly was the morning I went in to have him... well, compared to the belly that is still fresh in my mind... the one that carried two babies over seven pounds each... the one that now resembles a deflated balloon. Take a look for yourself.


Have I mentioned that I want a tummy tuck?

Have I mentioned that I wasn't actually carrying a baby in my face when I was pregnant with Hayes?

Thought so.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

5 years

My sweet boy. I can't believe it has already been five years since you first stole my heart. You are so big that now when I hold you, your arms and legs spill out everywhere. Oh, but you still let me hold you.

My sweet boy. You've got your mama's sensitivity. That's probably going to be a little tough for a boy trying to make his way in this world. But one day, some lucky girl is going to be blessed with a husband who loves her with tenderness and thoughtfulness.

My sweet boy. You've got your daddy's curiousity. You want to know how things work and why. I love to watch you try and figure things out. You are Daddy's right-hand man. You want to be where he is and do what he does... especially if it involves the jeep, getting dirty, house projects or a trip to Bass Pro.

My sweet boy. I love what makes you, you. You love to read books. You're not a fan of coloring or using scissors. You love to play in the dirt. You're not a fan of bugs. Your favorite color is black. You also love the color stripey. Your favorite number is 100. You enjoy a good donut. You are apparently allergic to bananas, jelly, applesauce and ice in your water. You can gag on command. You love playing wii with your daddy. You love going to Target with your mommy. You love wrestling with your brother and sister. Dinosaurs, maps and the solar system fascinate you. You're a tad obsessed with hot wheels.

My sweet boy. May your curiosity always lead you to new adventures. May you never shy away from a chance to show genuine compassion. May you always feel loved.

Happy Birthday sweet boy.

I love you.

Monday, April 27, 2009

looking back...

I love looking back at this video of Hayes' first year. It seems like so long ago. Even though it was the first year of medical school and the first year of being a mommy, times seemed so much simpler back then. Not necessarily easier (ok, maybe a little), just simpler.

Five years ago today, we spent the entire day waiting around for this little guy to make his appearance. Things finally got rolling late into the night. I'll spare you the details of the emergency c-section, but we finally got to meet our little Hayes Evan after midnight.

in case you were wondering...

I don't know why the topic of poop always comes up, but it does. And I don't know why I find it so entertaining. Here's another conversation with Hayes on the fascinating subject. You just might learn something.

"Food goes into your chest and then goes into the poop center."

"How does it get there?"

"It uses a slide."

"What does it do once it's in there?"

"There's a factory in there and my body paints it green, red and brown before it comes out."

Who knew?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

racing into year 5!

Partying this weekend, hot wheels style.

Hayes had a great birthday party despite a run-in with a hitch hauler... check out his noggin for his battle wound. We're so glad everyone was able to come over and celebrate our baby's 5th birthday! Is he really turning five?

It's always fun throwing parties and there is always something to learn at each one. What are the lessons that we take away from this party?

1. You can never have too many hot wheels.

2. Superhero costumes are fun for everybody... even those not wearing them.

3. Don't ever attempt to make red icing.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

give me your eyes

I can't stop listening to this song by Brandon Heath.

Lord, give me your eyes for just one second.
Give me your eyes so I can see.
Everything that I keep missing.
Give me your love for humanity.

Give me your arms for the broken-hearted.
The ones that are far beyond my reach.

Give me your heart for the ones forgotten.

Give me your eyes so I can see.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

i love it when ya call me big papa

Throw your hands in the air if youse a true player.

Monday, April 20, 2009

monday funday

Kyle had the day off today and Embry and Ellie had school, so that meant we had Hayes all to ourselves this morning! We hit the zoo first thing and had a great time. We saw the polar bear FINALLY. I think it is the first time he's been viewable all these trips we've made to the zoo. Amazing creature. And we heard a lion roar. Have you ever heard a lion roar? In person? Holy freak, it's loud! And the sea lions were napping in the sun... I want one so bad. They are my favorite.
For dinner tonight, we had a lovely guest stop by to join us, Mr. Paddle. He may become a regular dinner guest seeing that my children were on their best behavior in his presence.

After dinner, Kyle asked Hayes to clear the plates and Hayes asked, "How do I do that? Wipe them off with a napkin?"

I just love the one-on-one time with Hayes. So glad Daddy was able to join us today.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

looking back

Because this blog is a collection of memories for me, I want to start posting some looking back pictures... memories that took place before I ventured into blogville. This picture is one that makes me laugh every time I see it. Embry and Ellie were 6 months old.

boys say the darndest things

March 2007

Thursday, April 16, 2009

babysitters in the making

feed the baby
burp the baby get ready Jude... cause we're getting ready for you!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

no boys allowed!

I was putting off posting pictures of the kids' rooms until they were finished but well, let's face it, that's not gonna happen anytime soon. So I'll show you the progress we've made so far.

Ellie loves her new room and has taken to her big girl bed like a pro.

This room is what I like to call Pottery Barn on a budget. I couldn't imagine (let's be honest, afford) forking over the money for the bedskirt that went with the bedding. It was practically the same price as the quilt! Yes, it was absoultely adorable but come on PB, it's just a bedskirt! So I found this pink one at Target for $20.

There are plans for a canopy over the top part of the bed. Once Kyle has time to recreate this, the bed will no longer look like it needs a headboard. I found some old door knobs at ReStore that we will paint and use to hold the material in place.

Kyle created these trees after I showed him some Pottery Barn tree decals that were $90 a piece. As if! I found some scrapbook stickers to finish them off. Let's hope curious little hands leave them alone.

This lonely little Ikea table and chairs need some friends! Eventually, we will add a white night stand, dresser and vanity. She has a large closet with drawers so she doesn't need the extra storage just yet. And like the boys' room, I want to add a blackout roman shade to her window.

no girls allowed!

When we were house hunting last year, I knew it was going to be hard for Hayes to move away from both of his grandparents. We were praying for just the right house for our family, one that everyone would be excited to move into... even Hayes. When I walked into this room for the first time, I knew that train going around the ceiling just might do the trick!

He loves his room, even more so now that he gets to share it with Embry.

Kyle's dad made this amazing dresser. The changing table part will come off as soon as everyone is out of diapers. Does anyone know of a service where you can pay someone to potty train your kids? :)

Two more projects for this room. The mailboxes and the window. Once I figure out a way to personalize the mailboxes and get my hands on this striped roman shade on ebay for half price, we'll call it finished!