Tuesday, April 21, 2009

i love it when ya call me big papa

Throw your hands in the air if youse a true player.


  1. My hubby was riding a little bike tonight too (and almost broke his ankle)!

  2. At least he is close to the ground! I have seen him doing much more dangerous things with bikes, etc..... hope he doesn't show the kids those tricks he use to do!!!

  3. Too funny!

    And you just made me think of that song too.

  4. Now, I want to see you on Ellie's bike!

  5. This picture cracks me up. I cannot keep from smiling when I look at it.

  6. That's awesome! It's good to see that Kyle can still get in touch with his "inner child"...this is totally something Randy would do, too.

    And you song selections always crack me up...you are a woman of many colors.

  7. I'm laughing hysterically b/c I sing this song to my husband every single day. He never knows what to say, so he just smiles! I love my big papa like you love yours!

  8. Kyle is such a goober!

  9. Now that is truly funny! I laughed out loud at work and I don't even know your husband. I love your blog!
