Wednesday, April 22, 2009

give me your eyes

I can't stop listening to this song by Brandon Heath.

Lord, give me your eyes for just one second.
Give me your eyes so I can see.
Everything that I keep missing.
Give me your love for humanity.

Give me your arms for the broken-hearted.
The ones that are far beyond my reach.

Give me your heart for the ones forgotten.

Give me your eyes so I can see.


  1. WOW.. powerful song!

    Can you make me a new CD of the newest Christian songs? The last one you made, I have worn out and need new ones for when I walk....

    OR tell me where to go and download them...

  2. I love that one too. Puts things into perspective!

  3. I heard it a few weeks ago and honestly I usually don't listen to Christian music, but that is a great song.

  4. Hands down one of my very favorite songs. And when I heard him sing it at the concert last week, I cried. SO good!

    Are you coming to the meet-up on the 7th? Please say yes! I'll be there, and I'm really nervous:)

  5. I love this song as well. I can't get enough of it when it comes onto the radio station i listen to in the house. Thanks for sharing the video.

  6. I like this song. One of his that I like is I'm not who I was.
