Sunday, April 26, 2009

racing into year 5!

Partying this weekend, hot wheels style.

Hayes had a great birthday party despite a run-in with a hitch hauler... check out his noggin for his battle wound. We're so glad everyone was able to come over and celebrate our baby's 5th birthday! Is he really turning five?

It's always fun throwing parties and there is always something to learn at each one. What are the lessons that we take away from this party?

1. You can never have too many hot wheels.

2. Superhero costumes are fun for everybody... even those not wearing them.

3. Don't ever attempt to make red icing.


  1. Happy 5th Birthday, Hayes!

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the invitation! And you did such a great job with the cupcakes!

    I hate to ask, but what happened with the attempt to make red icing?

    Looks like everyone had a great time.

  2. As usual.. you did an outstanding job planning, preparing and putting on a birthday bash! I know Hayes loved every minute of it and especially all those hot wheel vehicles he received.... you will be finding those everywhere for some time to come ;)...

    And as always, Papaw and I loved being there with all our family!

  3. We had a great time! Grandpa especially liked the velcro baseball game.

  4. Love the pics! Happy early birthday Hayes!

  5. Ouch, that looks painful! Hopefully he will remember his 5th birthday, hehe jk! Happy B-day!

  6. TJ and I had a great time! Glad we got to come! Happy Birthday Hezel my Nezel! Love you!

  7. Happy Birthday Hayes!!

    Looks like fun and those cupcakes look yummy!

  8. Looks great! Okay, I won't make red icing. :o)
