Tuesday, September 21, 2010

young rembrandt

We read books each day after school. Sometimes Hayes is game and other times, not so much.
I totally get it though. He's been working all day and he just wants to play. Isn't that how we all are?

But he did get to have some fun today. He went to his first drawing class after school, Young Rembrandts. The boy is always drawing.
In fact, all of my kids seem to be. The kitchen table is a constant sea of paper, markers, scissors and crayons.
Seriously, three times a day before each meal, "You guys need to clean the table off so we can eat."
Annoying at times, but I love that they are so into it.
And this is the cutest little space duck that he made for me today. :)


  1. LOVE the space duck! Our fridge stays blanketed with artwork!

  2. My bulletin board of their art work is full...I loved the time that the three kids climbed up with me on your bed and Hayes read two books to us for his homework... I was totally amazed how well he did! Minnie is so proud of you Hayes and loves you sooo much!

  3. They have their daddy's talent. Good thing they are only using paper as their canvas, unlike another family member :)

  4. LOVE these pictures! I think it's so great that you've enrolled Hayes in a drawing class. What do you do with all of the artwork when they've spent some time on the wall?

  5. WOW! He comes by it naturally....I've seen Kyle's doodles. What a great talent and so much fun!
