Sunday, September 26, 2010

once upon a time and a yo-ho-ho

The moment you came into my world.

I had planned for the challenges that come with two babies at once, the exhaustion, the getting from one day to the next. But I had no idea the blessings that come with two babies at once. It has been an unbelievable experience being your mommy, watching you grow and learn together. The two of you couldn't be more opposite... but yet, so close to each other.

As I have been preparing for your birthday and trying to wrap my head around the fact that four years have already flown by, I have made more of an effort to hold each of you. I know it won't be much longer before you're too big, just like your big brother. As much as that kills this mommy's heart, I have to remind myself that the time with the two of you only gets better. It's a complete joy watching you guys grow up and explore big kid things. I am so proud of the little people you are becoming.

Happy Birthday, my Embry Jack.
I love you.

Happy Birthday, my Ellie Kate.
I love you.

We had a fun party this weekend. Pirates and Princesses. I felt like the party was over just as soon as it started. And unfortunately, my camera wasn't in my hand most of the time so there aren't many pics. Thanks to everyone who came and celebrated with us!


  1. Ok.. made me tear up... you once again planned an outstanding birthday party .. you are so creative! You not only need to be a professional photographer, but also an event planner.... I love these two little people so very much and I too can't believe four years has flown by so fast... it seems not too long ago, that they came into our lives and oh what a change it made... but they are so loving and fun and I can't imagine life without either of them!

  2. Trisha!!!

    How can it be 4 years???!!

    The party looks so fun. You are awesome!

  3. Happy birthday to E&E! The party does look so fun! You are one awesome lady.

  4. Happy Bday to two fun loving little people!! I have enjoyed watching them grow up and play with my kids. We had a great time at the party!!!

  5. Awesome photos! They are getting so big!

  6. Now that's a p-argh-ty (sorry, I had to) I want to go to. I'm sure you guys had a blast! I wish they could stay little longer and never stop being lovey.
