Wednesday, June 30, 2010

rocky mountain high

So, it's been a week since our Colorado trip came to an end... still no picture post, thanks to a missing (temporarily, I hope) memory stick and the kids and I getting out of the house for summer fun. But here's one of my favorites.
Minnie and Papaw treated us to a week in the Summit County area and we had an absolute blast.

It was the first time our kids saw the mountains.

It was the first time Kyle went jeeping.

It was the first time I went jeeping since becoming a mom. And let's just say that at one point, if there had been a Scotty, I wish he would have beamed me the freak up. Something inside of me has changed and I was a bit um, anxious with my babies up on those high shelf roads. I didn't like it so much.

Thankfully, there is so much more to do in the mountains. We shopped, took a pontoon boat out on Lake Dillon, fished (the big boys attempted fly fishing), played in the stream, rode the alpine slides and the kids watched Toy Story 3 with Minnie.

And from the way Kyle has fallen in the love with the mountains, it looks like we will see many more Colorado summers in our future.

Thanks Mom and Dad for an amazing trip! Love you.

Pictures to follow... someday. :)


  1. That's a gorgeous picture! So glad you had a good time even if the jeeping wasn't as fun as you remember :) Good thing there were lots of other fun memories to be had as well!

  2. Oh, Trish! What a fabulous picture!! We, too, long for the Rocky Mountain High...someday.

  3. You are so welcome! We loved everyone minute of it and glad that we didn't let "Ms. Step Lightly" ruin our entire trip! There were lots of good times and I can't wait to make it an annual event, but where shall we go next year? I am sure wherever there will be jeeping. By the way, I know that you Dad is lovin' it that Kyle is hooked on the jeeping!
    We love you all too!
    MOM & DAD

  4. Awesome, we hope to get there someday!

  5. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that pic of you two!

    So glad to hear that y'all had an amazing time (despite 'Ms. Step Lightly'--haha)! What a wonderful place to escape to from the heat!

    Looking forward to seeing the rest of what's stored in the missing (for now) memory stick.

  6. Glad for you to get to go to such a majestic place to see God's handiwork! And yes, God did place within us moms a caution light that beams in spite of Scotty. (whoa, I must be tired from keeping Jude this weekend).
