Wednesday, June 9, 2010

looking back...

June 2007
My Happy Jack and his thumb. Makes me want another baby. No it doesn't. Yes it does. No it doesn't. Yes it does. Ahhhhh... somebody slap me!


  1. You are always welcome to come to my house and re-visit the hysteria...

  2. Here let me help you remember....

  3. Geesh, I think *I* even felt Laura's slap! LOL!

    That Happy Jack of yours sure if cute! Come on...let's add a #4 together! ::wink, wink, nudge, nudge::

    I know you have your own kind of chaos, but you have the 'older' kind...if you need to be reminded of the 'younger' kind, just give me a call...I'm sure Laney and Hannah would be happy to help you rediscover those repressed memories. LOL!

  4. No slapping from me! I think another little baby Wooderson would be adorable!!!! Hey, can you email me your mom's email address again?

  5. ha ha I'm sure a visit to my house didn't help. lol What a cutie!

  6. I thought you just told me not too long ago, you just got a reminder that you for sure didn't want another baby.. just borrow one, or maybe your sister will get married one day before she gets too old to have kids ;o).. then you can borrow hers all you want! OR.. just let Happy Jack or Ellie suck their thumbs as long as possible... jk...

  7. That's what pictures are for, too bad they don't come with sound for the crying...touch for the drooling & snotty noses...real reminders! lol

    If I ever want another, slap me too!
