Sunday, February 21, 2010

once upon a marriage

I don't mean to keep throwing Life Church sermons your way. It's not my intention. But I had to share this one on marriage. While I listened to the second sermon of Once Upon a Marriage, I had that sick feeling in my gut. Oh no, I'm Jezebel. Ok, maybe not the murdering, malicious part of her, but definitely at times, the belittling comments to my husband and trying to take over when I think I can do something better. (Think disciplining kids, not pulling hair out of the drain... yummy.)

Oh, I so don't want to be that kind of girl. I want to be an encouragement to my husband, building him up when he needs it the most. But sometimes it's hard to remember when emotions run high, everyone's tired and I just feel like being a brat... to put it nicely. :)

And Kyle, I guess this is me publicly telling you that I'm sorry for not being more supportive of you when you needed it, not being more uplifting in times of weakness. I want to be better. So hold me to it, ok?

I hope everyone can find the time to watch this series. I'm betting you'll learn a thing or two.


  1. Sadly, I have been THAT wife, too...for too long. Thank you for sharing the sermon comes at a perfect time as I just had a very productive conversation with my husband about how I can better build him up.

  2. Oh, I think we have all been THAT wife :(! It's so hard to guard what you say sometimes because it just comes flying out. I've had to really focus on THINKING before I speak (I know....what an idea) because negative words and actions can tear other down so quickly! Thanks for passing this on Trisha!

  3. Thanks for sharing the series. I'm going to get around to seeing it.

  4. I've been meaning to thank you for sharing your life church experiences! Due to your references I became hooked awhile back and the series on Margin was just what I needed to hear. Keep sharing!

  5. I also have that series on my "to do" doubt I need it!
    You are a fabulous wife for simply wanting to be the best you can and I'm sure Kyle sees that :)

  6. Need to look into the series. We've all been there - sometimes live there! Hard at times. Thanks for always offering up challenging words.

  7. I've done the same thing to Steve (esp. in those dang hormonal days) and it became a habit for a time. I haven't seen the series, but God has convicted me again lately nontheless. Guys need a lot of building up and respect and i want to be known as the wife God provided behind a good legacy of the man, not the one behind the downfall of the man. I'm sure Groshell is right on, he ususally is.

  8. Ugh, I needed to hear this today. The worst is that I do it to him in front of other people sometimes. It is bad enough in the home, but in front of family and friends? I did find myself apologizing to everyone this weekend. Sunday morning was not the best morning! I think the important thing is that we recognize our faults and strive to be better. Way to go!

  9. We have definitely all been there. I appreciate you sharing the series with us. Thank you!

  10. You have a knack of reminding us all of things that we need to work on spiritually... It seems easy to get angry with them when they don't think the same way you do all the time... everyone is right, we all need to work on this!

    We sure had a great weekend spending time with the ones that we love :O)...
