Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Birthday T


Today is my wife's birthday and you all know she won't post about herself, so I will fill in. She is the love of my life and I grow closer to her year by year. I celebrate with you the great years we have and many more to come.

You mean the world to me. Happy Birthday T
-kw- p.s. sorry I have to be on call.


  1. How sweet!!!Happy Birthday Trisha!!!

  2. She is easy to love, isn't she Kyle? WOW... 33 years ago, your Dad and my world changed when you were born! A 9 lb 9oz strawberry blonde baby entered our lives and gave us so much love & joy then, and still does. You continually amaze us with your talents that are emerging and it has been so fun to watch you grow into such a unbelievable young lady, wife and Mother! Have a GREAT day sweetheart and we will see you tonight!

  3. Hope you have the best day. Kyle's on call comment made me laugh. :)

  4. Happy Birthday to one of my very best bloggy friends (and soon-to-be IRL)! Sorry to hear Kyle has to be on call...but have a wonderful night with your 'babies' and parents.

  5. How sweet, Kyle. Happy birthday, Trisha!!!!! :) I hope it's awesome and a week-long celebration. Hugs! :)

  6. Hugs, sweetie! Happy Birthday, my dear friend!

  7. nice move, kyle!
    and happy birthday trisha! it's been such an unexpected & pleasant surprise to become blogging friends! cheers!

  8. Happy Birthday Trisha!!! Hope you have a great day!

    And you've got a great hubby there too. :)

  9. Aww, love it!
    Happy Birthday Girl!

  10. happy birthday sister! love you! see ya soon!

  11. Yep it's true - you're one amazing woman Trish! We all love you, and can't wait to celebrate with you tomorrow night!

  12. So so sweet, Happy Birthday girl!

  13. Truly enjoy having you for a DIL. I'm glad got to hijack your blog, I know he was super busy with that surgery today. We'll all have fun tomorrow night!

  14. Happy Birthday! Hope you feel celebrated today! Hope I get to see you soon!

  15. Happy B-day from the Goodgers. Hope your day was happy.

  16. So sweet! Love ya girl! It's crazy we grew up only 10 minutes apart and never met. Glad we have eachother now. Don't know what I'd do without you! Happy bday!!
