Sunday, January 10, 2010


So, the whole Walgreens game has sucked me in. A few of you (Huh hmmm... Kyle, Courtney, Laura) think it is mildly entertaining that I am so wrapped up in it. :)

So this post is for your benefit see what the heck I have been talking about.

And how can I resist posting a loot picture? Seems to be the thing to do, right? :)

This is what I got during my trip tonight.

I handed over my coupons and paid $9.45 for everything. I didn't even have coupons for the cereal. They were just on sale for $1.75.

I then got these babies back.

Register rewards are coupons that spit out of the machine after your receipt. They are basically the same thing as cash. You earn these for buying certain items in the store.

So I came out a little ahead this week.

Thanks to the Loreal concealer.

It is regularly priced $9.49.
It's on sale for $6.49 this week.
I had a $3 manufacturer coupon from the paper.
I also had $5 in register rewards from last week.

So that means I earned $1.51 for buying it. Yay!

There are a ton of other great deals this week. I've just been sticking to stuff that we will actually use.

There are websites all over the internet matching up store sales with manufacturer coupons. My favorite is 918 Coupon Queen. However, the last couple weeks, I have been making myself go through the ads and match them up on my own so I can learn the system a little better.

I have to admit I had to push through the learning process at first. It was quite a lot to take in for a girl who has never really paid much attention to her spending. But it gets easier and dare I say, a little fun. :)

Now once that new CVS opens around the corner... I'm all over it.


  1. The concept still boggles my mind. WOW. Maybe I need to pay more attention to the sales ads... :)

  2. I've been wondering how your coupon process has been going....looks like you're not doing too badly. ;-) I'm with Desiree, maybe I need to start paying more attention. Honestly, I can't wait for our CVS stores to open. ;-) Thanks for sharing.

  3. Glad to hear your coupon journey is going well. CVS is all over down here, and there are major deals to be made.

  4. What is really great is when you can get a store gift card for transferring a prescription & use it for your deals :). Welcome CVS & more competition!

    Definitely a learning curve on the coupon game. I figured out Walgreens last year. I will be studying CVS this Spring.

  5. i tried the walgreens game...but i think i gave up to quickly. maybe i should try again! if i can get that many boxes of kotex, why not!? :0)

  6. Yay! Don't you love it?! I can't wait for CVS to open!!

  7. never shopped in walgreens until two and half months ago...I'm sooo addicted. My husband just laughs at me. I wish we had a cvs or rite aid. Another good site is She has written tutorials and videos on walgreens, cvs and rite aid. YAY for finding deals (free stuff) to help our families!!

  8. LOL... you go girl! I am glad that you take the time to do all that research... me on the other hand, will just pay it if I need it~!

  9. I love playing coupon games but I'm one who will only buy something (or a brand) I would normally use...otherwise it ends up being wasteful.
    Thanks for sharing!

  10. I love that you're a coupon queen. I secretly want to be a coupon queen, but I'm a little overwhelmed by the game - maybe I'll go to a coupon queen workshop?

  11. Wow! What a deal Trisha! I'm impressed, and dare I say a little envious too. I've seen many posts like this from other bloggers, but how did you get started? Oh where, oh where to begin. I'd love to play though.

  12. Good girl Trisha! My friend Kathleen used to be so good at this..and she is a doctor's wife also.
