Friday, January 1, 2010

baby alive

She eats, drinks, pees and poops.
What more could a little girl ask for? :)


  1. awww... Ellie is such a good Mommie.. so gentle too! I remember those days when Ellie's Mommie use to play with all her dolls and she too was so caring and gentle.

  2. Poops, really? Can I switch Ellie's Baby Alive with Hannah...and she can take care of the middle-of-the-night feedings? I'll even throw in the milk. Hehe.

  3. Ok, I love that my little Elsie loves baby dolls but I may have to steer her away from this one. Really- after I get her out of diapers, I want to be done with them!

    The pictures of Ellie are very cute.

  4. Ellie is such a good mommy! Now only if Jude would stay that still in his high chair!

  5. Baby Alive is the craziest thing I have ever seen! Hilarious!

  6. Isn't it amazing how you can give birth to a boy and a girl on the same day and their genes are so different from the "get go" and how she immediately gravitated to being a mommy, picks up stuff, wants to help in the kitchen? And how Embry is all boy and he doesn't want to do any of that stuff!

  7. Paige has a baby alive too, but I forgot it did all that stuff. Cute pics!

  8. Hey Trish. I wish I could tell you that I own a Canon Mark II camera and took all the pics myself for the New Year's Post. Wishful thinking. A great photographer up here, Rebecca Peters, snapped our pics a couple months ago. And then soon after, I got my I just need photoshop...or at least that's what I tell my husband. What do you use for editing?

  9. that baby does look alive! creepy! :0)
