Thursday, July 2, 2009

movin' on up

Yea for Hayes! He passed his swim class and will move up a level next summer. He is anxiously awaiting Daddy to get home so he can go to the store and pick out a new Lego set. We are so proud of you, sweetie!

And Embry and Ellie have been hanging out in the kiddie pool this week. Way more entertaining than beads and snacks!


  1. Congratulations, Hayes! How exciting! Have fun picking out a new lego set!

  2. WAY TO GO HAYES! Just in time for our Kansas City trip to Great Wolf Lodge and all those water slides and pools! We are so proud of you!

  3. Yay Yay Hayes!!! What boys will do for Legos.

  4. How exciting! Thomas moved up a level recently, too. I love seeing the kids get excited about swimming. (As always, fabulous pictures!)

  5. That's awesome! I loved swim lessons when I was a kid. They're the reason I haven't drowned yet! And I'm glad E&E got to play in the kiddie pool... I was wondering if that was an option, since I think that's what my mom did with the LOs when we were swimming...

  6. Yea Hayes! Happy 4th Ya'll.

  7. way to go Hayes! E&E sure look like they are having fun too!
