Wednesday, July 8, 2009

great wolf lodgin' it

Papaw and Minnie treated us to a couple days at the Great Wolf Lodge. What a neat place... water fun everywhere! Hayes even conquered one of the big slides with me and Papaw! The kiddos had a blast and couldn't get enough.

Oh man! Was the T-Rex Cafe the coolest place to eat or what? Right up Hayes' alley!

Ellie dishing out money from her new, beautiful T-rex wallet... tell me you had one of those cute, plastic wallets when you were a kid! The kids loved throwing coins in the water fountain. Later, Embry took a dollar bill and dropped it down a drain because apparently, there was water down there too.

Pooped after a great trip.

So I had some camera issues (more like camera operator issues...). Most of my water pics turned out blurry. The t-rex picture couldn't be zoomed out, unless I wanted to climb some rocks, or people. And I didn't. That's what I get for being lazy and only taking one lens. But it's all I got, so it's what you get. :)


  1. What a great little get away for all of you. Looks like you had a blast!

  2. It was a fun packed three days! It is so fun to see their happy faces!

  3. Love the pics! Glad you all had FUN!!!

  4. Can't believe you were only 10 mins from me!! Next time, we'll have to meet up! I love Legends. It's one of my absolute favorite places and Jenna goes nuts for the foutain there and the dinosaur and that fountain too. Glad yall had fun! The GWL looks like a blast!

  5. So much fun! It looks like you enjoyed the water park too!! You are going to have to show me how to make those collages. Do you make them using blogspot or make them before you post?

  6. I wanna go! Looks like a blast. To answer your question, we took the girls to see Ice Age 3.

  7. SOOOO fun! Looks like even Mommy had fun! *wink*

    Glad you guys were able to get away for a few days.

  8. that looks like so much fun!! i love a good water slide!

  9. I want to go! That looks great!
