Tuesday, June 23, 2009

on my mind

I came across this excerpt from Francis Chan of Cornerstone Church. Too powerful to not pass along...

You passionately love Jesus, but you don't really want to be like Him. You admire His humility, but you don't want to be THAT humble. You think it's beautiful that He washed the feet of the disciples, but that's not exactly the direction your life is headed. You're thankful He was spit upon and abused, but you would never let that happen to you. You praise Him for loving you enough to suffer during His whole time on earth, but you're going to do everything within your power to make sure you enjoy your time down here.

In short: You think He's a great Savior, but not a great role model.

The American church has abandoned the most simple and obvious truth of what it means to follow Jesus: You actually follow His pattern of life. I pray for those who read this article- that we don't become cynical or negative toward the church. Instead, let's make a personal decision to stop talking so much and begin living like Jesus. Then we can say as the apostle Paul, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:1). My guess is that you've never had someone say that to you, and you've never said it to anyone else. Why Not?

See full article here.


  1. You are dead-on! I enjoyed reading your blog. My husband is a pastor so I'm always looking for interesting "reads" on the internet. I'm glad I came across yours!

  2. good timing with that one. i just blogged about my desire to be violent. :0)

  3. that's a powerful way of putting things in perspective.

  4. Wow! That is really powerful. I am going to have to come back and read it again later (when I don't have interruptions). I'll try to check out the rest of the article then, too. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. thanks for the reminder. I have gotten too far off the path.

  6. His foot steps are hard to walk in, huh? I am trying to do better.
