Sunday, June 21, 2009

learning to swim

Today was the first day of swim lessons. Embry and Ellie are sitting this summer out because I am still trying to recover from last summer when all three were enrolled at the same time. It was a brutal two weeks.

Kyle and I were in the parent/baby class with Embry and Ellie and they were petrified. And why wouldn't they be? The water was freezing and they hadn't exactly hung out in the pool all that much. And while we were trying to get them to enjoy the water (or at least stop crying), we could hear Hayes screaming and throwing a fit across the pool in his class. He finally came around the last day of class.

After that first day, I made Kyle go straight to Walmart and buy one of those above ground pools. My kids were not going to be 'that kid'... you know the one. I mean, as a kid, I went through all of the Red Cross classes, was an instructor and lifeguarded for way too many summers. No way are my kids going to be afraid of the water. :)

So, I have been a little apprehensive about today. Turns out, I had nothing to worry about. Hayes was awesome. He did a great job and was actually excited to go back.

One down. Two to go.


  1. Swimming was such a big part of my childhood. I feel the same way as you- my kids are going to be comfortable in the water. Looks like Hayes loved it! The pictures are wonderful. My favorite is the 1st one.

  2. We start tomorrow! Katie, too, is sitting out this year.

  3. I agree!! I want mine to be swimming under water by next summer. I bet you are glad you have that pool to keep cool this summer!

  4. You are on smart Mama, I did the "water baby" thing with Bo and it was the smartest move I ever made! You will be sooooo glad! LOVE the pics!

  5. WHAT A RELIEF! yeah, it'd be weird for you or i to have "that kid"! But... just have to break out the teaching skills! lol! WAY TO GO HAYES! love you!

  6. It's all my fault making you take all those Red Cross swim lessons, isn't it?! ;0) I too heard all those cries for awhile, but not long! I grew up in the water, so I wanted to make sure that you and Cade also loved to swim... was a good summer job in Blackwell for a girl, wasn't it?

  7. Yeah Hayes! AJ has turned into quite the little fish since his 2 week session a month ago. Did I tell you that he was crying & hiding in the corner the day we started lessons? Reminds me of myself many years ago :)

  8. Awesome!!! Carter starts lessons next month! Not too sure how it's going to go tho!!!

  9. I, too, grew up in the water...LOVE it (uh, only clorinated bodies of water, though). I thought about swim lessons this summer, but there is NO way that I can take both in the pool with me without the little one contained in a flotation device.

    Glad to see that Hayes just might turn into a little fish.

    PS. Are those above ground pools hard to you treat it just like an in-ground pool...does it have a pump, etc?
