Wednesday, June 10, 2009

dirty harry

This dirty boy (look at those dirt-caked eyebrows) made me think about a picture of a dirty boy a year ago. Stop growing so fast, Dirty Harry.


  1. Did EJ get a hair cut? He is just too cute.... I have noticed him playing like he has a gun lately and shooting it with all the sound effects too!

  2. How cute! Josiah will pretend anything's a gun (although he hasn't used sticks--maybe that's because we don't have many branched trees here).

  3. OMG he is SOOO freaking cute! i love him and can't wait to see ALL of you on Saturday!

  4. What is it about boys? They have these make noises for all kinds of equipment, trucks, guns. It's inate. Their noises are impressive and we girls are unable to match them.

  5. My favorite little boy thing is when they "peel out" on dirt or gravel. My BIG boy still does it!

  6. He is such a boy! Love all the dirt and stick gun. Too cute!
