Monday, June 8, 2009

mom, i forgot to pack the magic eraser

Ellie has a new nickname.


The girl is constantly looking for trouble. If I don't have her in my sights, she is up to something... and that something ain't good.
Ornery, I tell ya.

But she may have met her match. Meet...
The Magic Eraser.
The Magic Eraser is well, magic.

It rescued Nana and Grandpa's office from a black sharpie... the printer, the desk, the window sill, the computer screen.

It also made spray paint disappear from the the playroom table.

And I forgot to pack it in her suitcase.

She's spending her special time with the grandparents this week. Let's face it, Mommy needed a break. Daddy needed a break. Her brothers needed a break. Minnie's gonna need a break come Thursday.

She will have so much fun soaking up all of that attention and I won't have to worry about locking all the cabinets for a few days.

Ellie, let's make it our goal that no one will have to make a magic eraser run while you are there, okay? I love you, my mischievous, little sweet pea.


  1. sounds like she keeps you busy! how funny!

  2. LOL! Glad to know there's something to get rid of sharpie pen... for whenever Alex learns to take the cap off! For now it's his favorite toy, yikes!

  3. I hate to tell you this... but she has been an angel so far ;0)!

    She has melted your Dad's heart once again.. he watched her while I went to a meeting at lunch and she came up to him SEVERAL times and said..."I Love you Papaw'....

  4. Whoa, I had heard the Magic Eraser is magic, but I had NO idea!!!!

    And, of course, she's going to be nothing but a sweet angel while away at Minnie and Papaw's house. But she makes me very nervous about Laney turning 2-3...girls, *sigh*.

  5. I'm soooo not looking forward to something like that going down! Hopefully if it happens it will be at our house not Nana and Papa's!

  6. Hee hee! Destructo- you crack me up! LOVE the magic eraser!!

  7. Oh, wow, she sounds like she is giving you a run for your money. It's good to know that the magic eraser works for sharpie markers, though!

  8. Magic eraser, huh?

    We have a destructo, too. But, I think you have the master destructo!

  9. No, her Daddy was the master destructo. That kid was so fast at his destruction he would make your head spin!!!'s nothing new to Nana and I have my magic eraser ready. It just means their brains work really fast and they are very curious. I had her yesterday evening, no problem when you're one on one. Plus she helps me burn calories. We're going swimming tomorrow if it doesn't rain.

  10. I introduced my grandma to the wonders of a Magic Eraser and she is now a believer. LOL!

  11. So cute, makes me think of Kate. Magic Erasers are life savers!
