Friday, March 27, 2009

share and share alike, or not

"Can I have just one of those toys to play with?"

"No Ellie. It's very important that I carry these with me at all times. I'm a hoarder. I hoard. It's what I do."


"Fine. I'll just stand here and look pretty."

"And then when he least expects it, I'll snatch those toys and they will be mine! All mine!"


  1. Is Ellie your schemer?? I have one of those too!

  2. Been there.. seen that many times! However, sometimes they do give in and share with each other.

    Love the jammies and boots look... new trend?

  3. haha! "I hoard. It's what I do!" LOL!

    Where is Zurg in all of this? ;o)

  4. You are sooo funny! I love looking at all your pictures! It makes me smile...

  5. I love the pic of Ellie "standing there and looking pretty".

    We have a hoarder in our family, too. ;-)

    Your commentary is hilarious! You know that's got to be what they're saying to themselves.

  6. All I have to say is:

    What outfits!

    Those PJs rock. I couldn't even focus on the commentary due to how cute they looked =)

  7. too cute, as always. and i love the creative license they have with their wardrobes! maybe more fun than reading about them!

  8. Ahhh...what memories of rain boots and pj's...those were the days. Carter is a hoarder too...he just doesn't have anyone to break his habit! :-)

  9. Oh, they are cuties! I love your captions. If this had been my story, there would have been a picture of the toyless child wacking the other child on the head!! Your story is much sweeter!

  10. That is so what they are saying. I laughed on this because I know this is them.

  11. Love the look on Ellie's face in the second picture! Hannah likes to push her stash around in her doll stroller. Super cute!

  12. The rain boots are the best. We could really use them today.
