Friday, March 27, 2009

party hard or go home

Hayes' school had a birthday bash tonight. In other words... games, trinkets, jupiter jump and kids everywhere. Thanks Andrew and Laura for coming along for the ride!

See those cafeteria chairs behind Hayes? This is the room he will coming into NEXT YEAR to eat his lunch as a kindergartner. I'm having a hard time with this, to say the least.

There were some oreos involved.

One little lady got a manicure in pink.

And here, we have precisely the reason I get irritated when taking pictures of my kids. The cheesy smiles. The eyes looking in every direction but mine. Come on boys, give me one smile while simultaneously looking at the camera and that's it. We're done. You're happy. I'm happy. We move on.

And this is how things usually go down when you stay a little longer than you should.


  1. Hayes and Embry both have the same look and smile, how funny! Hayes has taught him well! And Miss Ellie loves having her nails painted pink, toes too!

  2. Looks FUN! And Laura tagged along, too? I guess Jude's not here yet. ;-)

    I love the manicure "station"....I can't wait until Laney will stay still long enough.

    I know exactly what you mean about trying to take pictures of more than one of your children at the same time...come on, real smile, looking in the same direction and we're done.

  3. I love Embry's oreo mustache!!

  4. Oh, that last picture is so US! I bet you were just thinking 15 minutes earlier that it was time to hit the road. Uh-huh..I do this on a regular basis. ;-)

  5. I can sooo identify with the whole night! haha - glad it's not just my kids.

  6. We just had too much fun watching the kids jump in the jupiter jump thingy...Embry was hiarious, just as soon as he would get his balance, he would be launched by another kid....we were cracking up the whole time, as were you I know!

    Thanks for inviting us, it was just what we needed! I second you on the cafeteria chairs, they're growing too fast, we better not blink anymore!

