Monday, March 9, 2009

big boy bed

Look at this big boy in his new bed.

Last night we set up the boys' bunkbed. Hayes was extremely excited all day about finally getting to share a room with his brother. He's been anxiously awaiting the bunkbed.

Embry made the switch really well (so far anyway). Hayes is actually the one who got into trouble because he was still awake at midnight... the excitement still had not ceased.

Stay tuned for big girl's bed. I will post pics of both rooms once they are finished.

Ellie Bells, here's a peek at your new room when you get home.



  1. The picture of the boys together is ADORABLE.

  2. aw! can't wait to be there this weekend to see it all!

  3. ooh Love the pink! Is Ellie still out of town? So did the twins share a room at first?

  4. Ellie has been telling everyone that you are painting her room... PINK!!!! So glad that you did...
    She went to bed already, but will show her in the morning and have her call!

    She is being a good girl too! Telling everyone she comes into contact with Hi!! She also is very entertaining.. sings ALL her songs.. she isn't shy at all...

  5. Look at those two big boys! Did you get the light situation figured out?

  6. My boys would die of jealousy. They are BEGGING for a bunk bed.

    I'm excited to see all the pink!

  7. cute, cute! hayes looks so much like kyle.

  8. Big enough to share a room with his big brother...and with bunk exciting! That pic is so sweet!

    And Ellie's room is definitely PINK! Whoa! She is just going to be beside herself when she sees it!

    Can't wait to see the finished products!

  9. Started reading your blog after finding it through facebook...anyway...we did the same thing.  My girls share a room now and my boy has his own room.  It was a big change to seperate the twins!!  We got bunks for the girls as well...changing the sheets is another story!!   Angela Cunningham Adamson

  10. Glad it's going well!! Love the pink in Ellie's room - can't wait to see more.

  11. Ellie's going to be so excited about her "kink" room! She sang all her songs for Grandma Joyce and Papa Gene and she was even on tune most of the time! Grandma J decided she was a keeper, you know her and music and all. We've had lots of fun here.

  12. A big smile came over her face when I showed her the color of her room now... SHE LIKES IT.... SHE LIKES HER "PINK" ROOM!

    BUT... then she saw her Mommie and Daddy's photo up in the corner of the blog and she wanted to talk with them... and she got to talk with Mommie and Emmy.... she was content then!

  13. How exciting for the big kid rooms! I know Ellie will love the PINK!

  14. My youngest boy is ready to graduate from the Toddler bed. We are thinking about getting bunk beds, too. Those are really cute pictures!

  15. Awwww... Is that his first time in a 'big boy bed'? That's special. Pulls at a mother's heart strings when they reach that milestone, doesn't it?

  16. Love the pink wall. Can't wait to see more. How did the first night in his big boy bed go?
