Wednesday, March 11, 2009

airing my dirty laundry

So it appears if you give your full time and attention to one project, other projects tend to fall to the wayside. Especially ones that typically require daily attention. I was hoping the laundry would magically wash, dry and put itself away. No such luck.


  1. So glad I'm not the only one that periodically gets behind!

  2. I've been doing laundry all day! (and I try to do at least one a day too.) I have no idea why we have so much, so I can't imagine what it must be like with 3 kids!

  3. I LOVE it!! I'm with Sara...glad I'm not the only one who tends to fall a bit behind...just as long as we all have clean underwear (well, just me and Randy anyways). :-)

    I'm so anxious to see your "other" projects.

  4. There was this lady we called Oggie (Mrs. Ogg) who helped my mother (count em 7 kids) who said "we're just washin these clothes to death!" Back in her day they had a wash day because they had a ringer washer and the clothesline.

  5. Now I have the Eagles "Dirty laundry" in my head.

  6. Can't wait to see the finished room!

  7. I will come do your laundry if you come paint my house! I actually like doing laundry....other chores, not so much!

  8. my dream? a laundry fairy. and i just have one!

  9. I will help wash, dry and fold, if you put it all away... see you tomorrow!

  10. I'm still waiting for the day when I have a maid to do such things.....maybe she'll scrub my toilet, too....LOL

  11. Yay, other people are human too! How refreshing, thought I was the only one behind!

  12. Looks like we'll be doing the same thing today. :o)

    Thanks A LOT, Dion!!! Guess what is going through my head now. ahhhh!

  13. Laundry always, always, always gets the best of me. I wish I could stay on top of it. I hope you are making progress today!

  14. Looks familiar!!! Have fun!!! :-)

  15. how brave to show us your laundry pile! at least it's all in one place. i have piles all over. and the clean clothes just stay on the back of the couch. more accessible this way!

  16. Hey looks like my pile - my only excuse is a newborn & a computer, no big projects here.
