Wednesday, January 28, 2009

iced in

Brrr... Hayes and I ventured outside to check out the ice. I finally coaxed him in with hot chocolate and popcorn.


  1. Your photography is beautiful. Stay warm.

  2. Fun times! We'll probably bundle up tomorrow and make ice angels.

  3. I love the sky-branch pic! Too bad that ice/snow storms have the potential to be so's so beautiful.

    Sending warm thoughts your direction...looks like you guys could stand a good thawing out. ;-)

  4. We thawed out and melted almost everything today! Yeah! I had a few squeals when I started sliding on sidewalks though.... Got up to 40.... I am so tired of being so dang cold...

    Hayes looks like he is having a great time... Where was E & E?

    Can't wait to see you all this Saturday...
