Thursday, January 29, 2009

happy birthday grandpa!

Steve is such an inspiration to Kyle and I. We both want to be like him. He is a true man of God. A wealth of knowledge. He is one of the hardest workers I know. He lays everything aside once his family comes to town. He may have to work twice as hard the next day but you would never hear about it.

And Hayes, Embry and Ellie can't get enough of him.

Wii time with Hayes

Harvest 2005

Grandpa's pond

We love you Grandpa
Oh yes we do
We love you Grandpa
And we'll be true
When you're not near us
We're blue
Oh Grandpa
We love you!

Happy Birthday Steve/Dad/Grandpa!
We love you!


  1. Sweet post! I love all of the pictures but my favorite is "Grandpa's Pond." I can tell he is a blessing to your family.

  2. What sweet pics. Uncle Steve has always been the nicest, most loving, caring person ever! I have to admit though, I was a little scared of him when I was younger!!! I hated having to ask him if he would saddle the horses for us to ride. I would always get Aunt Bev to do it for me!!!
    Love you, Julie

  3. What a blessing to have such a wonderful man in your family. Great pictures (I especially liked the one of Grandpa playing Wii with Hayes--it always cracks me up when I watch my parents playing with the kids' toys).

    PS. What a sweet poem/song. You are so creative.

  4. Happy Birthday Grandpa Steve!
    Aren't we BLESSED with such beautiful grandchildren?

  5. I am blessed to be married to such a patient man. God knew what he was doing putting us together! His children and especially his grandchildren mean the world to him.
