Monday, September 15, 2008

kay county free fair y'all

We headed back home for the fair this weekend. You will probably never catch Kyle or I at any other fair. Ever. But every year, we find ourselves back at this one. Mainly for the kids' sake. But there is just something about it... it has this familiarity that I just love. The rides (that no one will ride with me), the cotton candy, Doyle and Jackie on the corner, the same fry bread booth that has been there for as long as I can remember. And there are always those run-ins with people you haven't seen in a long time. Other than reunions, this is the place to see old classmates.

Hayes is a huge fan of the fair for obvious reasons. The rides and the caramel apples. He had a caramel apple each night and wasn't willing to share.

Embry and Ellie got to join in on the rides this time around and loved it! Ellie didn't appreciate the whole waiting in line thing and wasn't a happy girl when it was time to leave.
Thanks Grandpa, Nana, Papaw, Minnie and Auntie for helping keep the troops in line!

1 comment:

  1. Minnie & Paw loved taking the grandkids & big kids to the fair and showing them off to ole' friends! One of my highlights of the fair is to watch the grandkids jump up and down with excitement & anticipation and see those large smiles all over their faces! I am sorry that we all are such
    "weenies" and won't ride those rides that make your sick to your tummy... BUT, I have a feeling one day in the near future, you will have a companion to ride those type of rides with you... Ellie who loves that kind of excitement like her Mommie! Of course, it may be hard to get her off them too! Just think... when you do live here one day, you can keep my tradition and not cook supper during fair week!!!
