Tuesday, September 16, 2008

dirty faces

My mom did it. Your mom most likely did too. The licking-the-finger-and-wiping-the-face thing. I said I would never do that and apparently I don't by looking at pictures of my kids. Picture after picture, there is some form of gunk on those little faces. At first, I would get frustrated that a perfectly good picture would be ruined by remnants of dinner or snotty noses or whatever. But then I had a realization... my kids usually have some form of gunk on their little faces. Duh.

I have since grown to love those imperfections in pictures. The smudges of food show that their bellies are most likely full. The muddy faces are the result of getting to play outside and the snotty noses, well, I'm still trying to appreciate those. Life around here is nowhere close to being perfect so why try to make it appear that way through pictures?

I have updated the website with new pics. These are a few that I have been messing around with textures. Making those dirty faces look a bit dirtier...


  1. They are adorable, no matter what they are wearing, including food. :)

    I love your outlook on pictures!

  2. Our grand kids are cute no matter what they are wearing on their faces!!! Well... except for a few snotty items! When you were little kids, we were not fortunate to have those 'wet ones' handy! A little spit never hurt you, did it?

  3. I agree. My Mom and I were especially known for spitting on our boys hair to make it stay down. And I do it with Hayes now because he has the Wooderson stick up wire hair from Eva.

  4. Funny story. Grandparents are in town. Meme was working hard to get something off Maddie's face. I said, "Are you trying to wipe off her freckle? I doesn't come off."
