Wednesday, October 8, 2008

just you and me

Every Monday and Wednesday after we drop Embry and Ellie off at school, Hayes and I have our 'just you and me' time. I always look forward to it. If we have errands to run, we run errands but we always try and do something fun. I made the mistake of taking him to Krispy Kreme one of those first outings. Now he asks to go to Krispy Kreme all the time. So we really have to find something that trumps the donuts. And that's no small feat with this kid. He loves the donuts.

So today we went to check out a new park, picked up a Transformers video at Blockbuster and had a late breakfast/early lunch of pancakes at Mickey D's. His kind of morning and as it turns out, mine too.

I asked him what we should get Daddy for his birthday and he said, " How about a new car?" I said, "Well, I think Daddy really likes his jeep." He replies, "Well, how about a new engine for his jeep?" Hmmm, maybe I'll be better off getting suggestions from Embry and Ellie.

2 tellin' me what I want to hear!:

Minnie said...

Oh those special times with such a special lil' fella! You just have to love them! They are the BEST!


Anonymous said...

So great your taking time to do fun things together. I wish I'd done more one on one time with each child. Laura's the one who got to do this the most due to our shopping addiction and being the only girl.

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