Sunday, June 5, 2011


I spent the weekend with Kyle on his small town ER shift. He may be blaming me for the busy Friday night
(which never happens... He finally got to bed at 3 am.), but I think he enjoyed having a buddy to explore all the sights with the remainder of the weekend.

I forgot my camera. Boo. So the iphone pics will have to do.

Breakfast in his lovely room, which doubles as a sleep study room during the week. Not too bad.
Highlight was having to walk down the hall to an empty patient room to shower. :)
We found plenty of places to fish. If only that pager would stop going off.
We ate dinner at the two fine dining establishments in town.
Nothing on the schedule. Bliss.
Lots of relaxing, reading and driving through some of God's beautiful country.
We also met some cows... lots, actually. And when's the last time you rented a movie from the one gas station in town?
Sure was a nice change of pace. 

Thanks babe for letting me tag along.


  1. Romantic. Seriously, romantic!

    I've been so jealous of the residents' wives who've gotten to stay the night in the on call room!

  2. Glad you got to go with Kyle.. Looks like you got to do lots though in spite of the pager going off.. We had a fantastic time with the three g-kids doing the ole fashion kind of cooling off in the hot summer heat.. they were really good!

  3. I'll bet it won't be your last time there on call! I think your kids had a blast here in Bwell without you, lol!!

  4. That's my hometown!! Can't believe you found that much stuff to do :)
