Monday, May 9, 2011


What a great weekend! We hit the new Legoland Discovery Center in Dallas and shopped 'til we dropped... or at least 'til the kids dropped. :)
Kyle and I had a moment where we both felt that we are finally arriving to the part of life where traveling with kids becomes more of a joy and not so much work. So encouraging and brings mucho hope to this Mama who has a thing for travel!


  1. Oh my! Love it. Legoland looks awesome.

  2. Looks like fun! I love the pics of them on the wall.

    I heard today that Crown Center is getting a legoland here. Did you know that?

  3. Glad you guys had a good time! Never knew they had Legos for girls! Miss Elle and Em are bound for Idol !! And I wonder how long Hayes will dream of Lego Land?

  4. Looks like you had a really good time and isn't it so much fun to take the kiddos to fun places and things go well! Love the photos and would love to have been there for the concert with E & E! Looks like Dad was having a good time too!

  5. What fun!!! I'm sure Hayes was in heaven!

  6. Oh, so it does get easier to travel with kids?!? Thank goodness there's light at the end of the tunnel! I am already thinking about packing for our trip in June =)

  7. Just bought Legoland tickets for our trip to Frisco in 2 weeks. The boys can't wait!
