Friday, April 8, 2011


  I love these pictures for two reasons.

1. You can really see Ellie's personality... the posing, the animated faces, the messy hair. I love it.

2. See the little pink fuzzy on her neckline? Pink fuzzies are a part of our life. All over the house.
I'm pretty sure we will still be seeing those things long after her blankie is gone.


  1. Those are some sweet pictures! She sure is a spunky gal!!

  2. she is so cute..great pictures!! love all that bokeh! :0)

  3. Awww. my princess! She is for sure developing her own personality! She is my buddy and I love her and our moments together! I find those pink fuzzies everywhere around here too, even in my car!

  4. I love picking up those pink fuzzies because it makes me smile after she's gone.
